Typical Mistakes When Playing Tennis
Not going to the ball! Quit waiting for it to come to you. Better to play a ball on the rise rather than on the fall. The sooner you go to the ball the less time your opponent has to react.
Deciding where you are going to hit the ball way too soon. The sooner you decide where you are going to hit the ball, the more your opponent can predict where you are going to hit it. Do not decide where you are going to hit the ball until you get closer to it. Remember, your opponent can change their positions between the time they hit the ball and your return of it. Where you decide to hit the ball should be completely determined by your position versus your opponent’s position.
Running through your shots/not reading your shots. Many times your biggest error is failing to stop and hit the ball. Run to the ball, slow down by chopping your steps, stop, hit the ball and lastly and most importantly come to “ready position” and “read” your shot. If you hit it well, you might want to move in and control the point in the offense. If you hit the shot poorly you might want to stop or backup to control the point in the defense.
Not looking at the ball and looking where you are trying to hit it! Your job is to look at the ball with focused vision and take note where your opponent(s) is(are) with your peripheral vision. Knowing where they are determines where you are going to hit it! You looking where you are going to hit the ball presents this from happening!