The Wardlaw Directionals

by John Debnam Thinking Tennis

The Wardlaw Directionals is a shot selection stategy allowing a player to understand, when is the best time to change the direction of the ball.

This information will help in your shot selection strategy, how to control your shot making and how to work your way back into a game that is fast ebbing away from you.

This system will help you decide whether it is a good idea or not, to change the direction of the play. I have seen many players, including good players, make mistakes by trying to change the direction of the ball, when it is too good a shot from their opponent and the ball is not in their comfort zone.

If there is any possibility that you will be unable to control the ball that is coming to you, then the obvious hit is back to where it came from, this will allow a certain margin for error as the return is a right angle hit.
When reviewing the following directionals you will observe that there are some changes of direction that are natural and allow the natural rotation of the hips and shoulders.

Below is a great video explaing the directionals

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