Doubles Play - Your 4 Roles

by John Debnam Doubles Ideas

What are your four basic roles when playing doubles?

The four positions are:

Receiver – Receivers Partner – Servers Partner and Server.

So we will go through the basic role at the four different positions when in your doubles game.


NEVER miss your return wide or in the net
Determine ahead of time which formation to use:
a. Both back and hit through
b. Hit or chip and charge
c.Return low and cross

Block the opposite net player from your mind, whether they stay or attempt to poach.

Reminders for the receiving team:
BEST returner in the advantage court
Left handers usually play in the deuce court.

Receivers Partner

Start facing the opposite net player from your position on or around the service line…not at the net.
Take 3 steps FORWARD
If the ball is inside go inside; if the ball is outside cover outside.
Play both back on pressure points.
Servers Partner

You direct your partners serve placement and then cover the angles.
Start a little furthur back (middle of your box)
Move on any and all slower returns.
Move laterally to poach.
Either fake or poach every time – NEVER STAND.


Make high percentage of first serves;hit an aggressive serve two times per game.
Serve down the middle, and the advantage court serve to the body.
First volley (if moving in after serve) deep to the middle.
Get one step further in to volley.
Its the servers responsibilty to put all first volleys they receive into play.
Change patterns of play.
Basic Reminders

Control the net and control the match.
Do not go crosscourt from backcourt.Use the middle to set up the point.
Controller in the advantage court, hitter in the deuce court.
Good positioning, not great shots wins in doubles play.
Use the middle on any ball that you cannot end the point on.
Hit through your opponents, not around them.

Have fun!!!!!!!!
