Dingles...What Is That About?

by John Debnam Doubles Ideas

This singles competition or drill is played in the doubles court by just 2 people.
Basically 2 people play out the point cross court only using the diagonals of the court as the illustrated below..

Dingles Tennis

Dingles Tennis is a great game for players who:

  • Mainly play doubles
  • Maybe are not of an age to play singles on a full court
  • Want to work on their doubles skills

By only using the diagonals players can practice to serve and volley, return of volley because they only have to cover half of the court.It is also a great workout.

The scoring is as follows – play the first game with a player serving from the right hand side of the court, then the other player serves from the same side.Game three would then be played from the left hand side, game four on the same side.Just keep going until one player has won the set.You can either use conventional point scoring 15,30,40,deuce etc, or make the deuce point the final point, as they do in the Masters Doubles in London.

Its not a bad idea also for a club event, where you could run a tournament using this idea.

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