A Bit About Tipsy Terrace Here In Los Gigantes Tenerife

by John Debnam Tipsy Terrace Los Gigantes Tennis Apartment

Tipsy Terrace has 3 artificial grass courts, a swimming pool and gardens, bar and restaurant, friendly staff and a great community of players and regular visitors.The club is now run by Sally and Sarah who have really made a difference here.

The great thing about Tipsy, is that at any time of the year matches can be arranged either singles or doubles from the visitors who come here, or the locals that play all year round. Also we now have every week three or four mix in tennis tournaments for visitors here, a great way to find other players - if you want any information on booking courts/coaching/finding out about tournaments, then contact me on the contact form- just follow the link below


Tipsy Terrace is situated in Calle Hibiscos Los Gigantes as in the Google Map below, right next to the bus stop
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