Archive of: tennis holidays

The BIt Of Advice For The Competitive Player Out There.

A few words for the competitive player out there..

What Are The Best High-Percentage Shots In Doubles?

Are you trying to figure out what the high-percentage shots are when you’re playing doubles? If you thought there was an official list of those shots (like I did at one time), I have news for you – there’s not. But there are some shots that are commonly known to be high-percentage shots for doubles, meaning they’re often easy for you to hit and can set you up to win the point.

Be A Great Doubles Partner

People often come to me with problems related to their doubles partners and questions about how to become more successful as a doubles team. Some ask how to choose a partner, and others want to know how to become a better partner themselves.

Too often players think that the ideal partner would be the best player, but that’s not always true.Also some people think their own game is pretty good- but as a doubles partner it is lacking in doubles knowledge. Doubles is very different from singles in that the whole has to be better than the sum of its parts. Just like in football, the best one-on-one player will not always be the most successful player in the team concept. Here are some tips for becoming the best partner you can be:

Reacting to the Opponent’s Shot

In doubles- you have to think think think - learn to read the ball- you are playing the ball not your opponent.

Solve This Problem

How many times have you been on the baseline in doubles and the ball goes to your net player- who either does not reach it or misses it?

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